Wednesday, June 4, 2008


In Tagore's play'chitrangada'where the heroine says to her husband"I am no......goddess to be worshipped nor yet the object of common pity to be brushed aside like a moth with indifference.If you desire to keep me by your side in the path of danger and daring,if you allow me to share the great duties of life than you will know my true self.
It shows that a woman has enough enthusiasm to carry out her duties and make sacrificee for husband and to her family.Woman is a beautiful creature of God...she is a consumer and a producer,a protector and a provider,a power of tolerence,an embodiment of love and affection....all qualities wrapped in one.women carries the fragnance of jasmine or mogras in the cool night of darkness n her heart is as deep as the pacific ocean.She is no doubt the purest and most essential part of all.
woman is no longer the weaker section of society today.She is standing neck to neck with men in the male dominated society and are capable of handling any given situaions in a better and more systematic manner as compared to men.They have proved to be more vibrant,dynamic,sincer and perfector
Women adds beauty and charm to every aspect of life....she can be a mother,a sister,a daughter and a wife....a woman is the perennial source of inspiration for man in the odyssey of life.

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