A new dawn for me,I was excited,happy and enthusiastic.For the first time in my life I had celebrated Independence day with my friends through Facebook...a complete new chapter for me.It was a wonderful feeling.There was an air of patriotism,brotherhood,love and devotion towards our Mother Land...every where the spirit of freedom was felt.Each profiles were updated with our National flags,pictures of freedom fighters,quotes,patriotic songs.every body was wishing each other with jai hind and Vande mataram....A true Indian and proud to be an Indian.I was not alone today,with me all my friends were there whom I never met nor chatted,still I felt we all are together hand in hand celebrating our 15th Aug..our Independence Day.That's the spirit of India...My profile too was looking beautiful with National tri - colour flag waving proudly with dignity and respect...A salute to those who had laid down their lives for us and given us an Independent India.I never knew that a networking site would really make me feel so happy and loved...not only that with each passing day I am enjoying my friendship in Facebook...learning, experiencing and celebrating life.Each day is a new chapter for me.